Sunday, October 2, 2011

Some sketches

Once the photo-shoot was complete, I shuffled through the images for inspiration. 
Here are a couple sketches I started, but have not finished. 


I have always thought it important to work with different mediums, 
so before I start a larger piece... I need to play around with small ones.

~ Lady Wray

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

August 28th Post Irene Photo-Shoot

There was never a doubt in my mind that our shoot would be hindered by the passing of Hurricane Irene. In truth, I found it to be a blessing or a sign of good luck. I discovered that as the hurricane approached and stormed across Long Island with it came great energy for inspiration and creativity. The night of the storm, as the winds picked up speed and the rain poured down, I stayed up like the nocturnal creature I always find myself to be and completed the finishing touches on the 'Nereid Bra' I made for our model, A. 

The costume Rachel and I designed and put together fit her body like a glove. She looked stunning and brought our character straight to life. It was intensely satisfying and exciting for Rachel and I to see the transformation. A is a pleasure to work with because she was enthusiastic about our project and fond to do any pose we asked her to do. (Even climb upon algae covered rocks and immerse herself in the water.) 

We shot our photos at the David Weld Sanctuary (Yes, WELD, not 'Weed';Thank you to the anonymous person who edited the engraving, we all had a laugh that day) on the north shore of Long Island. It was the day after the hurricane and with it came unexpected surprises! The weather was beautiful! The air was crisp and the sun was shining! As I began to shoot I noticed there was many wispy cloud formations that allowed for a more magical, ethereal look. It was just what we were hoping for! 

The tide was low and the shore line was inviting us to venture around. Once hidden under the waters of Long Island were rocks covered with tiny mollusks and shells revealing themselves to us. As we concluded the shoot the cool tide came inward, rising above our feet as the warm sun beat down reflecting shades of tangerine and gold upon the waters. The sky turned violet. The magical colors and warm rays of light were beaming perfectly through the folds of A's dress. I was able to capture the best shots at this time. 

I found myself knee deep in the water as the tide continued to rise around us. We finished the shoot as the sun dipped below the horizon and we quickly found shelter on the shore and made sure our model was dry and comfortable. The process was invigorating and I am very happy with the results. I am eager to continue forth! :]
~ Jaclyn Leigh

Monday, September 19, 2011

After weeks of planning, Playful invention led to thoughtful execution.

   Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is a hurricane passing over our island of long, an artist never loses their drive for the completed execution of their whimsical ideas and thoughtful pondering. After weeks of developing ideas, Jaclyn and myself found objects and materials that stirred our imaginations. 

    Together we scoured the beach for seashells. Jaclyn was mesmerized by the jingle shells and I quickly became enamored myself. Native cultures would often use jewelry and accessories  to heighten dance ceremonies. For example, Native Americans would coil small pieces of tin to the fringe of their ceremonial dance robes. When in motion, the tin hitting tin emitted soft rain like sounds. I am very interested in using tin, jingle shells and other materials in future costumes. Sound may be silenced in a photograph or a painting, but perhaps an echo can resonate through the mediums.

    Having the shells in possession, I searched thrift stores for potential fabrics. I purchased a couple of yards of two pearlized sheers from a craft store. The shells were drilled and polished with the ease of a dremel, and then each of the shells were wire wrapped with beads and chain. The skirt and train are simple cuts and were sewn with french seams and a narrow hem. Through formal processes we created a costume for our model which represents our aesthetic values. Through adorning A, we brought our character into reality.

    Two days after Irene stirred the wind and water and cast doubt and fear into the hearts of our neighbors. Jaclyn myself and our model A went to the north shore for an aquatic photo-shoot. Our original plan was to photograph at the south-shore, where we could view the torrential post Irene waves, however, New York State deemed it too unsafe. So, we settled for the north-shore of the island.

    The shore was laden with the growth of tiny muscle shells. Our persevering model, posed again and again despite her bloody feet from walking barefoot on sharp shells. I really did feel bad for her, such a trooper! And in the end the light was perfect from the setting sun, and we have several great shots to work with. An overall success.
    I'm really satisfied with the progress thus far. <3

~ Lady Wray

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bra and necklaces

Acquired our model, A.  

She was so open minded to the crazy request of Jackie and myself, and we love her for it. <3
Here she is wearing the necklaces and earrings I designed
and the Lace-shell bra Jaclyn created.

Photography: Jaclyn Leigh; Photo edit: Lady Wray

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Creating the 'Nereid Bra':

I started with a plain nude bra and began decorating it with lace. My idea was to sew the lace with a cinched bottom in order to mimic the shape of a shell. 

Then I began to embellish with crystals, pearls and some of the sea shells that Rachel and I collected on the beach. I constructed this piece during Hurricane Irene. Throughout the night the high winds and rain seemed to inspire me greatly, fueling me with artistic energy.

My final product.

& I made a small seashell hair clip.  
 -Jaclyn Leigh

Friday, September 2, 2011

Look familiar? and now there is a skirt.

Cut, pinned, seam, and steamed the fabric into a skirt.

Seaweed and Sea foam
The green polyester crepe is reminiscent of seaweed.
The Sky Blue Crepe Back Satin is reminiscent to the glass like sheen on the waters surface,
and the pearlized sheer is reminiscent to sea foam.

Then added a train that would be attached via belt


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Edvard Eriksen's 'Little Mermaid' statue in Copenhagen - Denmark

"The siren is salt. Inseparable, intimate nature of the seas. Without which it would be tasteless. It is death and life. Sowing salt—the extreme ignominy—is equivalent to sowing death. When salt is lacking—or else, if death is lacking—no life is possible. Salt reigns, the siren reigns, source of grace. Salt and the siren are life and death, and hence, dream." Jose Durand

"A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown."
William Butler Yeats 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sea Necklaces

Finished the jingle shell, Anomia simplex, necklace. 
Wire wrapped the shells with marbled glass and iridescent spacer beads on gold chains.
This piece has a lovely jingling sound and provocatively cascades between the breast.
Faux pearl and Jingle Shell necklace

Faux Pearl layered Necklace

I have collected various Vintage and broken jewelry over the years. The pearls were part of a vintage necklace. I tiered the design and added iridescent spacer beads. (No image of the original.)

Vintage faux pearls strung on silver wire with platinum plated findings

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seashells by the seashore... no more.

We collected these Mermaid toenails (Anomia simplex) from the shore,

...then cleaned, polished, and drilled them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Purchased fabrics from Craft and thrift stores.

Have some nice pieces to work with, but not the desired yardage.

Aquatic tones.

I am water intro

Sometimes it feels like something is trying to drown me.

But I am the water, my strength flows in the current.

And that is the reason I can breathe, and have not died!

I am water. Always in motion, even when I appear still. I am in a state of constant transformation. I can take the shape of any container. I nourish those who are thirsty, and only the ravenous winds can direct my motion. My emotions affect my states of matter. I freeze easily with the cold of others, and warmth has the substantial power of thaw. Although steam rises, given enough time I condense and return to my calm liquid state. I am water. I have the power to drown you, transport you, and nourish you. I am lethal and giving. I am self-reliant. I welcome and fear the wind, the only one with the power to move me, and I challenge fire whom I can extinguish but can not extinguish me; the power to transform me, but not destroy me.

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