Monday, September 19, 2011

After weeks of planning, Playful invention led to thoughtful execution.

   Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is a hurricane passing over our island of long, an artist never loses their drive for the completed execution of their whimsical ideas and thoughtful pondering. After weeks of developing ideas, Jaclyn and myself found objects and materials that stirred our imaginations. 

    Together we scoured the beach for seashells. Jaclyn was mesmerized by the jingle shells and I quickly became enamored myself. Native cultures would often use jewelry and accessories  to heighten dance ceremonies. For example, Native Americans would coil small pieces of tin to the fringe of their ceremonial dance robes. When in motion, the tin hitting tin emitted soft rain like sounds. I am very interested in using tin, jingle shells and other materials in future costumes. Sound may be silenced in a photograph or a painting, but perhaps an echo can resonate through the mediums.

    Having the shells in possession, I searched thrift stores for potential fabrics. I purchased a couple of yards of two pearlized sheers from a craft store. The shells were drilled and polished with the ease of a dremel, and then each of the shells were wire wrapped with beads and chain. The skirt and train are simple cuts and were sewn with french seams and a narrow hem. Through formal processes we created a costume for our model which represents our aesthetic values. Through adorning A, we brought our character into reality.

    Two days after Irene stirred the wind and water and cast doubt and fear into the hearts of our neighbors. Jaclyn myself and our model A went to the north shore for an aquatic photo-shoot. Our original plan was to photograph at the south-shore, where we could view the torrential post Irene waves, however, New York State deemed it too unsafe. So, we settled for the north-shore of the island.

    The shore was laden with the growth of tiny muscle shells. Our persevering model, posed again and again despite her bloody feet from walking barefoot on sharp shells. I really did feel bad for her, such a trooper! And in the end the light was perfect from the setting sun, and we have several great shots to work with. An overall success.
    I'm really satisfied with the progress thus far. <3

~ Lady Wray

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